Asteroids's Revenge - Man Strikes Back!
Asteroids's Revenge - Man Strikes Back!
After playing “Asteroid’s Revenge” by Archbob I couldn’t help but try my hand with the idea. I’ve always been a huge fan of asteroids games. The idea of asteroids fighting back is immensely appealing to me. :)
I have a lot of ideas to expand this concept further. One of these days I will explore them.
Arrows keys or WASD.
Smash into the ships!
Bigger Asteroids can take a few hits before breaking up into smaller ones.
Bigger Asteroids are faster then smaller ones (more will power).
Tip: An enemy ship shoots every 2 seconds, so you can try to time your attack and avoid the bullets.
Tip2: Only bullets damage you. Bullets are bad… crunchy hulls are good!